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F&O: The Financial Instruments Of Mass Destruction

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:39 pm
by niveza
Is the stock investment risky? The answer is yes, but there are means to minimise risk and maximise profit. The biggest attraction of stock market is that it gives better returns than any other investment instrument, however, at the expense of higher risk. Those who enter the market are well aware that if they don't play their cards right they stand to lose a lot of money. In the same line, if you think equity investment is risky, then future and options trading is 10 times riskier than equity. Future & options (F&O) is a contract-bound trading type where the trade is carried out on the underlying asset, which is either a stock or an index (Nifty).

However, as it is one of the most popular tradings instruments, it is a subject worth exploring. Let's try to understand what one stands to gain and LOSE from the Futures & Options trading.

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